Scars, Part 1

A year ago this March, I arrived in the US after spending two years abroad. In India. I spent two years in India. It doesn’t seem real some days, but there are scars you can’t see easily.

One is literally on my skin from the time I had a bump removed and biopsied from my finger. I didn’t think I was brave enough to have a medical procedure done in a foreign country. Would you believe the doctor’s name was Dr. Job — like the guy in the Bible that is known for his suffering? My finger gets tight now when it’s really hot outside. I can’t forget Dr. Job.

Another scar is in my mouth, a root canal from a tooth gone bad. I wasn’t actually brave enough to have this procedure done in India. I went to Thailand, instead. 🙂 There’s a crown on top of the tooth that was crafted in Thailand. Every time I touch it, I remember the smoothie I had at Au Bon Pain and the walk from the guesthouse to the hospital in Bangkok.

These are permanent, physical reminders on the surface.

Other scars are deeper. There are some I’m sure I haven’t uncovered yet.

We talked about pruning last week in a study I’m a part of. We read John 15, a chapter in the Bible that talks about Jesus as the vine and men as branches. To thrive, we must stay connected to the vine. I’ve heard this for such a long time. It’s a popular chapter to preach and teach and I’ve been a Christian for 25 years.

The part that stuck out to me this time (and there’s always something for me to learn) was that to thrive, we also have to be pruned. Pruned, like a tree.

It sounds very poetic. But, it’s actually quite painful.

A year ago, I arrived in the Nashville airport, greeted warmly by sweet friends and family, but not sure what was next. It was exciting until I realized it would be months before I had a plan. What is left when there’s no plan?



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