Scars, Part 1

A year ago this March, I arrived in the US after spending two years abroad. In India. I spent two years in India. It doesn’t seem real some days, but there are scars you can’t see easily.

One is literally on my skin from the time I had a bump removed and biopsied from my finger. I didn’t think I was brave enough to have a medical procedure done in a foreign country. Would you believe the doctor’s name was Dr. Job — like the guy in the Bible that is known for his suffering? My finger gets tight now when it’s really hot outside. I can’t forget Dr. Job. Continue reading “Scars, Part 1”

The purpose of this blog (or a series of disclaimers)

My soul is divided up all over the world because of where the Lord has taken me. More about that in the days to come. One of the biggest reasons for writing on this blog is to connect with those people. To stay connected.

I’m the kind of person who thinks if I’ve ever known you I should always know you. I love people. But, I’m learning, as the Lord takes me to different places and teaches me to build community wherever He has me, that He brings people into my life for different seasons, but He alway provides the people I need. He’s the one who created me to need people. Continue reading “The purpose of this blog (or a series of disclaimers)”

Andrea doesn’t like coffee, but…

I like coffee shops. The kind that aren’t in a hurry.

I had tea with someone I hope will become a friend. She spent longer than necessary explaining something. When she stopped herself in mid-stream to say: “I’m sorry. I’m not good at short stories. I love to connect.” I knew I could relax.

I’m horrible at small talk. I’m not good at short answers. Continue reading “Andrea doesn’t like coffee, but…”